A Forehead Lift Can Improve a Sagging Brow and Other Features

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The human face comes equipped with a vast number of facial muscles and connective tissues. Some play a physical role in the functions of your face and jaw, while others are primarily tasked with helping you make facial expressions. While you might not always think about it, your forehead and brow line is often engaged in important facial expressions. Subtle changes and things like loose or sagging skin can have an impact on your non-verbal communications, while also having an impact on your sense of self-image.

At our clinic, we recognize the important role your features play in your facial expressions. Issues with the brow line and forehead can often be addressed in a variety of ways depending on your personal preference. Dermal filler injections with hyaluronic acid or BOTOX® can sometimes provide temporary improvements.

For a patient who is interested in a more long-term improvement for a sagging brow line and forehead might be interested in a forehead lift. Also known as a browplasty, it is typically performed in a single outpatient appointment and might involve a local anesthetic or full sedation, depending on your preference. If you would like, our doctor can further explain your sedation options.

The incision strategy our doctor uses for the forehead lift can vary depending on the characteristics of your skin in the area, present hairline and other factors.

– An endoscopic forehead lift calls for making minute incisions in your scalp slightly within your hairline. This forehead lift is more common for patients who only need a moderate adjustment.

– For a coronal forehead lift, a long incision is made just at the hairline. A more significant amount of skin is redacted, and the net effect is tighter skin on the forehead and eyebrows that look less hooded and more alert.

– A mid-forehead incision strategy involves our doctor making small incisions just above the eyebrows. The incision will follow a natural crease in the forehead skin to minimize the postoperative appearance.

Some patients who are interested in addressing sloping skin on the forehead are also interested in having a forehead implant placed during the lift. This additional procedure will help tighten the skin by adding volume while also helping to provide you with a more prominent forehead and brow line.

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your forehead and brow line, you should contact our team to explore the treatments we offer. We will be happy to work with you to get the results you desire today!