It’s estimated that the average person has around 40 to 300 moles on their body. These minor dermal aberrations are often caused by hyperpigmentation of skin cells. Both environmental and genetic factors can play a significant role in the number and size of the warts on your body. It’s also worth noting that unprotected sun exposure can cause excess melanin... read more »
Do you feel nervous about your nose or physical appearance? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people worry about their appearance. With your nose in the middle of your face, it’s easy to feel embarrassed or self-conscious about it. That is why many people choose to have a rhinoplasty, which is also known as nose surgery, to improve... read more »
For many people, having a breast reduction can be a life-savor. Large breasts can become heavy and put a strain on your body causing pain which can lead to chronic problems in your back, neck, and shoulders. Luckily, there is a solution to this problem by having a breast reduction surgery. Here at The Office of Dr. Leon Goldstein... read more »
There has been an increased interest in nipple surgery recently due its presence and variation on the internet. Approximately 15% of women have nipples that are inverted and there has been a surge of interest in correcting this abnormality. The popularity can be attributed to a greater awareness that correction is available. The condition is usually congenital and due to... read more »
I see many people coming into my office concerned about how they appear to others. They sometimes blame their appearance for certain failures in their lives. Unless we look like an evil witch at Halloween nobody notices the imperfections that we see daily in our mirror. Our presentation includes many facets besides looks. The changes/perceived corrections that we want go... read more »
As you age, your body composition will naturally start to change as a result of hormonal changes, decreased exfoliation, and reduced muscle mass. This can alter the appearance of your face, shoulders, neck, and hands. If your hands have started to look sallow, with large knuckles, joints, and bones, you should consider scheduling a consultation appointment at Dr. Leon Goldstein’s... read more »
As you age, minor changes can occur in the structure of your face and nose. This is even more likely to be an issue if you suffered facial trauma at a younger age and didn’t seek professional treatment. Indeed there have been individuals who broke their nose in rambunctious younger years that were not fully aware of it. As time... read more »
Everyone likes to put their best foot forward and cosmetic procedures help do just that for some. Over the years of practice a small distinction between the younger and older age groups has become more evident to me. The young seem to want to improve their appearance while the older crowd wants to regain their looks. It is more than... read more »
When it comes to women enhancing the aesthetic of their body, there may be no better cosmetic surgery than breast augmentation. The surgery is so effective that it is guaranteed to turn heads almost anywhere you go. Furthermore, breast augmentation surgery has come a long way in a few years to allow quicker recovery times and more precise treatments. With... read more »
Can you think of an ailment that affects over half the population that we used to have very few treatments for? The answer is hair loss. Both men and women suffer from hair loss and although many “miracle pill treatments” were offered to improve or enhance hair growth, there were no surgical procedures to truly improve or regrow hair. Fortunately,... read more »