For a "happy" result in the surgery known as "tummy tuck" one must consider a number of important factors and be honest with oneself. The procedure is very rewarding as long as venturing into it is not taken lightly. Here are some important aspects to consider. Height and Weight. The results of the procedure depend on the size of the person... read more »
With recent style changes, both in clothing and personal appearance, women are more aware of their vulvar anatomy. Labioplasty or nymphectomy has become acceptable and popular. The procedure reduces the size and droopiness of the labia minora. The condition is not just the result of aging but can occur in young women as well. The surgery not only helps with the appearance but also... read more »
I see many people in my practice that take multiple vitamins in large quantities and doses. There is an overwhelming culture fueled by commercials and urban legends that more is better when it comes to supplements. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to vitamins. Vitamins are needed as a cofactor in metabolic reactions in our body.... read more »
Many people see changes on their face or body and want improvements to be appear immediately. I try to remind everyone that none of the changes they finally see occurred overnight. Many will swear that the change in their appearance took only one day and one night. When seeking advice and help from a plastic surgeon it is important to... read more »
Many times after discussing a procedure or surgery I am asked if the results are permanent! I know full well what the person means but I can't help myself asking back "are you permanent?". I apologize and explain that almost every esthetic procedure improves the appearance AND sets the time clock back. The clock continues to tick but the overall result... read more »
Abdominoplasty or as it is more commonly known "Tummy Tuck" is gaining more popularity and has become noticed by the media. As usual there is often a slanted view in order to be provocative and gain an audience. Recently a piece was published in "Live Science" entitled "Tummy Tucks May Be Riskier Than Other Plastic Procedures". Well....."Duh"!!!! Nothing could be... read more »
Upper and lower eyelid surgery rejuvenates and refreshes the face like no other procedure. Yes, the face lift is all important and necessary; but, if one is only able to have one procedure on the face that gives the most "bang", the most noticeable difference, it would be eyelid surgery. Recovery is relatively easy and short. Most people are able... read more »
The fascination that the country has with Bruce Jenner's "transformation" is multi-layered. Some people are amused by this TV based drama but there are others that take it to heart with more serious consequences. The new found notoriety of his daughter connects with the young and makes assumptions and flights of fancy possible. Young adults, especially teenagers, might view cosmetic surgery unrealistically. They usually want to correct physical characteristics... read more »
The great rush by everyone to convert medical records to electronic storage has produced such a suction on the brain that common sense has left the decision makers. Multiple recent cyber attacks and successful hacking into businesses and even government agencies leads one to believe electronic storage of medical records not to mention financial data (read SS#s) is not as secure as touted. Private medical information can... read more »