When it comes to your appearance, sleep is essential if you want to look – and feel – your best. In fact, it’s probably the closest thing to partaking in the “fountain of youth.” Sleep is nature’s most powerful beauty treatment (there’s a reason it’s called beauty sleep). Getting enough sleep can boost your beauty while insufficient zzz’s can leave... read more »
Perky breasts and a high bustline are typical hallmarks of a youthful bust profile. However, human breast tissue is made up of a complex amalgam of healthy fat tissues, mammary glands and various connective tissues held in shape by the skin. It’s an unfortunate fact that time and gravity are a fickle nemesis to the youthful appearance of the breasts.... read more »
The hair follicles on your body play a variety of roles. Things like eyelashes, nose hair and eyebrows help protect sensitive parts of your face. Hair on the head as well as other parts of the body was once critical during the process of human evolution. Genetics and certain hormones are the primary factors that determine follicle density in certain... read more »
Time tends to catch up to all of us. As the calendar pages peel away, many people experience a gradual decrease in their metabolism, which increases the likelihood of gaining fat. As you continue to age, a slow reduction in muscle mass can further slow your metabolic rate, making it increasingly harder to lose existing fat deposits. Making improvements in... read more »
Did you know that breast cancer is one of the most prevalent types of cancers impacting women today? In the U.S. alone, approximately 1 in 8 women who are born now will have breast cancer at some point in their lives. Thankfully, early detection and treatment increase a woman’s chances of beating breast. As part of National Breast Cancer Awareness... read more »
The human body is a biological marvel rich with dynamic processes that integrate tissues, organs and systems that allow you to live a hopefully long life. However, the vicissitudes of growing older can start to affect its function as well as appearance. Changes in body composition, skin health and developing cosmetic issues often drive individuals to our practice in search... read more »
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that 300,000 breast augmentation procedures are performed every year. The size of the breast implants can vary from one individual to the next. Different fluids such as saline and silicone are often used to fill breast implant membranes that can vary in shape as well as texture. While all cosmetic surgeons strive to... read more »
When you look into the mirror each morning, do you recognize or see your younger self? Many people struggle with the sagging skin, lines and wrinkles that come with the appearance of skin aging. While potent skin creams and professionally administered facials might help, they can help stave off the hands of time for only so long. At our practice,... read more »
Building up a good sweat, running that extra mile and making wise nutritional choices is not only invigorating, but it can also be an essential first step toward becoming your best self. With consistency, most people who embrace a healthy diet with regular exercise notice improvements in their health, appearance and self-esteem. As the pounds start to melt away and... read more »
If you struggled with chronic acne during your adolescent years, you may have lingering scars on your face or another visible part of your body. Some individuals who suffer a burn or a significant wound that becomes infected can also develop a noticeable scar. These dermal imperfections can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. At the same time, a... read more »