Wrinkles, sagging skin and lines on your face are an often unfortunate yet natural result of growing older. While a variety of factors can contribute to an aging appearance, primary causes of the skin aging are often related to decreased exfoliation at the surface layers of your skin as well as reduced collagen development in the deeper dermal layers. Early... read more »
Recently I have been pleasantly surprised on a number of occasions by the nursing staff at different facilities who acknowledged their surprise at the ages of my patients. The common thread among these patients is that they all had facelift and eyelid surgeries with me in the past. They were returning for unrelated procedures. Their aesthetic procedures were performed on... read more »
Bearing children can cause significant changes to your body as well as your lifestyle. Many women who have had one or more children will notice long-term increases in their body fat, sagging breasts, loose abdominal skin and other changes in their appearance. Once you are done having children, you may want to consider various cosmetic procedures to address these issues... read more »
Many people are in a hurry to obtain what they want. Even when it comes to surgeons sometimes the choice is based on cost and/or availability on their personal calendars. One should spend time not only consulting and deciding on the surgery but on the surgeon as well. Sometimes the expedient date or low cost is not worth the result... read more »
The natural process of aging gradually starts to affect the facial skin. Reduced exfoliation and collagen production, as well as other natural processes, can also affect your eyelids and the skin surrounding your eyes. As time goes on both the upper and lower eyelids can start to sag and droop. Some individuals will also start to develop bags under their... read more »
On a functional level, your nose serves the simple purpose of helping to pass air from the outside world into your respiratory tract. Special cells inside your nose also provide you with a sense of smell as well as certain aspects of your sense of taste. Natural deviations and injuries that affect the internal structure of the nose can lead... read more »
The number of truly qualified surgeons performing cosmetic surgery is being swamped by the number of surgeons and non surgeons practicing aesthetic procedures. Its a wild west show out there and one should take into consideration some important guidelines to help with a happy outcome. 1 Look for a board certified surgeon. The recognized board is the American Board of... read more »
There are several different structures to your skin. Each dermal layer plays an important role in the health and function of your skin as well as it’s general appearance. Issues related to diet and changes caused by the natural processes of aging can have a profound effect on your skin’s health and appearance. At the same time excess exposure to... read more »
Human skin is a very complex and important part of the body. It plays a functional role in helping to protect your muscles and internal organs, while also having a profound effect on your general appearance. You skin includes dermal cells, pores, hair follicles, sweat glands, and other special cells like melanocytes which interact with the outside world in a... read more »
The natural aging process brings on a multitude of changes in the human body, which also includes decreased exfoliation in the skin and reduced collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis. As skin aging continues to advance your face can lose its once youthful tightness and tone, which can also cause wrinkles to develop and deepen. Fortunately, there... read more »