Vaginal Rejuvenation: Labioplasty

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With recent style changes, both in clothing and personal appearance, women are more aware of their vulvar anatomy. Labioplasty or nymphectomy has become acceptable and popular. The procedure reduces the size and droopiness of the labia minora. The condition is not just the result of aging but can occur in young women as well. The surgery not only helps with the appearance but also with function, whether its discomfort during sex or exercise. The recovery from surgery requires about two weeks of meticulous hygiene.

Other related procedures include reduction or fat grafting of the labia majora, clitoral hood reduction, and even vaginal tightening.

I was surprised to learn that a significant number of women are not even aware of the availability of these treatments. There is a growing list of board certified plastic surgeons that one can consult.

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